The Imagination

S5E15 | Howl - Cosmic, Monarch, Lucifer, Mother Machine, Holograms, Hybrids, Clones, & The Labyrinth

Emma Katherine Season 5 Episode 15

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Today I’m honored to introduce you all to: Former MONARCH Operator, MK ULTRA whistleblower, and independent researcher and reporter who can also be found learning and researching, enjoying art made by others and occasionally by himself, studying systems, philosophy, religion and spirituality, ethics, machine learning, game and character design, playing guitar and digital keyboard instruments, consuming copious amounts of media, mediating, and chillin’ with his animal pals: Introducing, my dear friend, Howl! 

Both of Howl's biological grandfathers were 32 degree Freemasons - or higher - and Howl’s elders took most of their secrets to the grave. But before their deaths, they had attempted to confess family secrets - which may or may not be entirely accurate. They had alleged generational ties to the military and service, which is part of why "Howl" prefers to avoid discussing living family members out of respect for them as humans also dealing with their own multigenerational programming. Howl's genetic ancestors came from various parts all over the world - and according to his grandfathers near their final days, these involved relatives fleeing Germany prior to WW2 and relatives of alleged nobility fleeing France around the time the Monarchy became Austrian bloodline.

Howl, however, became a 12-year-old test subject for a 1999 brand of MK ULTRA at the threat of Howl's family's financial ruin, the promise of Howl's little brother's abduction and mistreatment, as well as to make Howl disappear forever into a "level 4 reform school" - which was used as pretext to hold him prisoner indefinitely. During this captivity period, Howl was regularly attacked with little reprieve, and to ensure the safety of the other humans on base, holograms would occasionally be sent into Howl's room, where he would find himself in an incestuous relationship with several holograms and a humanoid female alleged to be a genetically female clone of Howl. And this just scratches the surface! 

On today’s episode, Howl will be covering a myriad of interesting and important topics that will be woven into his testimony that we have not covered at length on this podcast - including eugenics, nano technology, the NWO beliefs, cloning, defining what MONARCH is from his own observations and conclusions, and discussing his experiences in MK ULTRA. Howl’s testimony is one that I’m thrilled we get to hear as it will uncover and explain many moving parts and connect more puzzle pieces to this puzzle. We often hear how technology is being used more and more in MK ULTRA, but until today, we haven’t had much discussion on this podcast that really helps us to understand the depth and levels of how things like holograms, cloning, AI, virtual reality and other forms of tech now play an instrumental part in programming and mind control. Howl is risking it all to share this information with us and has been on the front lines for decades as a whistleblower whistleblowing the crimes committed against him as a child. And when he’s not out saving the world, he selflessly advocates for other survivors while educating the general public on MK ULTRA, the occult and how we can come together to finally expose and eradicate these child slavery systems once and for all. 


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